Friday, October 29, 2010

Week 10- Social Tools and Cloud Computing

This week I learned how to upload documents on Google docs so that I can share the documents that I make to other people using the web. I also responded to a discussion post on my opinion on whether or not social tools were beneficial to our society or not. This week I also began working on my social bookmarking project where I can share interesting websites that I find with other people.

Using Google docs would be very beneficial for when I am an elementary school teacher because I could save my lesson plans onto Google docs and then be able to share them with other teachers so that they could get ideas from them. I would also be able to look at other teachers' lesson plans and other documents as well and use them in my own class. Social bookmarking would also be an important tool to use when I become a teacher because I would be able to post websites that I use with my class for other teachers to see and use and vice versa.

This is a video that I found on you tube which is explains why Google docs is a good idea for when you want to share a document with other people, and when you want feedback on the document. The video also goes into the details of all that you can do when using Google docs, such as commenting on other people's documents and creating spreadsheets. The video has information supporting the use of Google docs for many different reasons as well.  

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