Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 2: Educational Technology

 During week 2 we reviewed how to log on to the course website, and we discussed our upcoming assignments posted in the syllabus. We also watched two videos discussing basic technology concepts. I created a gmail account which will be used later on in the course. The concept that I learned in this week was how to use a Mac OSX. I learned the differnces between a Mac and a PC, and I also learned how to use the different keys that a Mac has on its keyboard. We were required to set up the desktop of the Mac a certain way and take a snapshot of the desktop.

I think that it is very beneficial for me to learn how to use a Mac OSX for the education field because many of the teachers today are required to use Macintosh computers in their classrooms and hook them up to the smartboards. Much of learning in classrooms today, even elementary school classrooms, is technology based, and the teacher is required to know how to work each part of the high-tech equipment herself.

This video from youtube gives detailed information of how to use a Macintosh computer. It gives you step by step instructions of how to use the software and it descibes exactly what each icon does on the dock of a Mac. This video relates to what we learned this week about using the Mac OSX sofware.

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